On the eve of a New Year, it is worth remembering that we live in a world that could not function if it were not connected, or were only digitally connected. Ordering on-line from Amazon, as an example, would be no good if the physical logistics network did not exist to deliver the product ordered, or to make the product available to order. With that in mind, I submit for your approval, two complimentary articles about the physical interconnections of the world. One describes how resources are deployed and guided to enable the movement of goods around the world, the other illustrates that movement in a neat graphic.

The Invisible Network That Keeps the World Running – The Verge

Interactive map of global merchant ship movements

Big Data..Artificial Intelligence…Self Driving Machines – Two of these have actually been in use in the Logistics Industry for some time, and companies are already investing resources in developing a functional capability in the third. One of the great inventions of the 20th Century was not what might immediately come to mind – it was the humble shipping container, which allowed odd-sized cargo to be uniformly packed and handled, creating economies of scale in transportation.

At MEC Financial Partners, we have deep experience and understanding of how logistics impacts your manufacturing or distribution small business, and would be happy to talk with you about it.