This is one of my favorite consulting memes — “We don’t actually do what we propose.  We just propose it.”  What makes it both funny and sad at the same time is that reflects the reality of most consulting engagements.  You spend hours, days, weeks, or more, explaining your business to outsiders that give you vague and unactionable advice.  The thing is, anyone can give advice.  It’s merely an opinion of what you should do, with no stake in the outcome.

The other, less noticed, issue is the business owner’s hand-off of the advice.  “Great…Do it.”  There’s no involvement from management after the decision is made, other than hoping that the decision was the right one.

MEC Financial Partners is not a consulting firm.  And though we often times refer to ourselves as advisers, we don’t give advice.  Rather, we provide recommendations and guidance.  If we offer a solution to a problem, we’re prepared to roll-up our sleeves and be part of the team that implements that solution.  It’s in the name of the firm… we partner with you to help achieve your business needs.  Our success is your success.


* UPS Supply Chain Solutions is a real division of UPS.  MEC Financial Partners’ use of the UPS video is not intended to be an endorsement or a rejection of their services.  Feel free to check out their service offerings at